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Register Now For 2023 Legislative Days
Join us January 18th and 19th for WR Legislative Days!
Registration is now live so don't wait to register for this exciting two day event designed for members to gain insight into the legislative process, and see firsthand how our GA team advocates for REALTORS®.
The event begins with Committee Day on Wednesday January 19, with registration starting at 7:30 am at the Olympia Hotel (formerly Hotel RL). Then enjoy a day of meeting and networking with WR committees to prepare for Hill Day on Thursday. That evening the 'Black & White' Installation Banquet follows at 6:30 pm, formal attire is optional for this event with a sit down dinner and bar available. After we install our 2023 incoming leadership, head out to the dance floor for a celebration!
Thursday, January 19th we begin the day with our Hill Day General Session to discuss the year's legislative priorities and general info about the upcoming legislative session. Then we travel to the capitol building to meet with available legislators and discuss REALTOR priorities for the year ahead. At 6pm, we will wrap up the day and the event with a Legislative Reception at the WR building where members will have an opportunity to network with legislators while enjoying snacks and beverages.
Legislative Days is one of the more important events that WR hosts annually, and gives members an opportunity to see our GA team working hard to ensure that Washington lawmakers understand the challenges REALTORS® face in the market.
Find the complete agenda
Register Here.