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Early Session Wins for REALTORS® in Olympia
Friday, February 10 will be the 33rd day of the 105th day in the 2023 Legislative Session. While it is a budget year, typically the first half of the session is dedicated to policy issues and this year is no different. Washington REALTORS® came into this session with big asks of the Legislature
Real Estate Agency Law Reforms
Washington State’s real estate agency law,
Chapter 18.86 RCW, has not been updated since its adoption in the 1990s. Existing law does not require certain basic consumer protections, and does not reflect modern industry best practices. This legislation will both protect consumers and avoid litigation seen in other states. Read the
backround on these reforms here.
Bill Status:
SB 5191 was unanimously passed off of the floor of the Senate yesterday, and is headed to the House. HB 1284 (the exact same bill, just in the State House) passed unanimously out of committee and is sitting in House Rules. WR wants to keep that version moving along as well.
Exempting Leasebacks from the LLTA
This bill, which 1) exempts leasebacks that have a written agreement, 2) are no longer than three months and 3) where the seller is represented by a real estate broker or an attorney, is also moving quickly.
Bill Status:
HB 1070 was the second bill voted off of the House Floor this session and passed unanimously. It has already had a hearing in the Senate and we are optimistic about its passage. Shout out to Rep. April Connors (R-8), a REALTOR® and Legislator who is the Prime Sponsor of this bill.
Housing Inventory Bills
Housing Inventory BillsWashington REALTORS® has asked the Legislature to step up and pass large reforms to help create more housing inventory in Washington. To date we have seen good progress on permit reform and streamlining, lot splitting, the option to build duplexes and triplexes in single family neighborhoods, and allowing/making it easier to build Detached Accessory Dwelling Units in both Urban and Rural Areas.
We are optimistic that the 2023 Legislative Session will be one where Housing Policy is the number one issue that Legislators tackle BUT we have to keep the pressure on. Fill out the petition and show your support at
Watch the Housing Supply Issues Press Conference